Circular Rose Elegance Bouquet
Our flower bouquets are freshly made to order!
Bouquet wrapping paper is available in classic black/white/craem/pink/blue.
Wrapping paper can be different best match rose color.
Please specify your preference.
"If no specific request is made, the florist will arrange the bouquet wrapping for you."
Please be aware that orders need to be placed at least 3 days in advance!
*Urgent bouquet orders, please message us.
Serene Rose Halo Bouquet
庫存單位: 0000000023
Roses color
- Delivery : Charges will be based on the location.
- Self-pickup : Carlton Parade (Carlton Train Station)
Monday to Sunday :
- (A) 9am~12pm
- (B) 12pm~3pm
- (C) 3pm~6pm
- (D) 6pm~8pm